When an elderly person has urinary tract infection, it is common for them to have “dementia like” symptoms.
/by BGadminWhen you are in the hospital, you may request that routine lab work be done during your waking hours, not the middle of the night.
/by BGadminLegally a facility doctor in a Nursing Home only has to see a patient once every 30 days unless the nurse notes in your chart that an issue requires the doctor’s attention.
/by BGadminWhy do they take photos of your body when you’re admitted to a nursing home/rehab facility?
/by BGadminPrivately paid caregivers that provide care in your home are not legally allowed to assist you with your medications.
/by BGadminWhen Seniors are discharged from a hospital, they are told they are going to “Rehab”. No one tells them that this really means they are going to a Nursing Home.
/by BGadminSeniors can be stuck with large medical bills when the hospital doesn’t Admit them. Admission vs. Observation?
/by BGadmin“PSA does NOT provide Medical Treatment or Medical Advice. We provide Advocacy services to ensure you understand your rights as a patient, are treated with respect and that there is an open line of communication”.