No One Should Be Alone In A Health Crisis

Admission Assistance

Whether it’s an Emergency Room situation or a scheduled procedure at the hospital, you need an advocate.  When our health has been compromised we become extremely vulnerable. In that moment, if you are uncertain how to respond and have your voice heard, it is critical you have someone there who knows your rights and understands the language to assist you.

PSA will be your voice.  Your advocate will arrive and work with your family and the Hospital staff to make sure they have the critical information they need to treat you effectively.  We help you understand and navigate the medical environment in this critical time explaining all the options so that you and your family can make the best decisions regarding your treatment.  Also, your family will now have a direct line of communication and peace of mind knowing you are receiving the best possible care.

Having your advocate in place before a crisis, allows PSA to show up prepared when you need us most and be there at your side immediately to provide all of the critical information the hospital need to treat your quickly and efficiently.

Our Services

CALL TODAY: 714-845-3442

Did you know

When you are in the hospital, you may request that routine lab work be done during your waking hours, not the middle of the night.

Drug resistant infections acquired during a hospital stay have increased 230% since 2001.

Bet you didn’t know that having great insurance can actually be dangerous.

The ratio of patient to staff in a medical facility is not regulated.

Unscrupulous medical billing practices will often reflect a “balance due” on a bill when the insurance company has already been billed.

Legally a facility doctor in a Nursing Home only has to see a patient once every 30 days unless the nurse notes in your chart that an issue requires the doctor’s attention.

Seniors can be stuck with large medical bills when the hospital doesn’t Admit them. Admission vs. Observation?

Privately paid caregivers that provide care in your home are not legally allowed to assist you with your medications.

Without an Health Care Directive, if you are unable to speak for yourself, the medical facility will make ALL treatment decisions for you.

When Seniors are discharged from a hospital, they are told they are going to “Rehab”. No one tells them that this really means they are going to a Nursing Home.

28% of hospitalizations of Seniors are caused by medication errors.

Why would anyone need to leave a nursing home to go to a doctor’s appointment?

Discharge planning begins when you arrive at the hospital, and you should be included in the planning process.

Why do they take photos of your body when you’re admitted to a nursing home/rehab facility?

You have guaranteed rights as a patient? Do you know what they are?

A new patient has their belongings logged by the staff. The same staff reconciles the list. See The Potential Problem?

Premature discharges lead to 40% of post-op complications occurring at home.

When an elderly person has urinary tract infection, it is common for them to have “dementia like” symptoms.

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