You don’t know what you don’t know.

Facility Care Oversight

Facility Care Oversight is one of the most vital services PSA provides, during a stay in a medical facility. We’ve all heard from our family and friends about their negative hospital experiences. While every hospital stay is stressful, is it possible to manage your hospital experience?  Doctors and nurses are forced to make many treatment decisions based on a limited options approved by your insurance company.  Having an Advocate that is focused purely on what is BEST for you will certainly improve the likelihood that, as an informed patient, you understand your all of you options and make the best decision regarding your options.  Understanding the system and how to work with the medical staff in an appropriate manner to get results as opposed to creating an adversarial relationship, requires a skilled advocate.

Here are a few of the Issues PSA encounters nearly everyday in our practice.


Did you know that your Primary Care Physician not longer comes to the hospital on “rounds” to see his or her patients?

In any admission to a Hospital whether it is through the ER or for a scheduled procedure, there are most likely “information gaps” that present an incomplete picture given to the Doctors who will actually be treating you while you in that facility. This can create a critical “disconnect” in your care.

  • The first layer of disconnect is the Hospitalist. When you are in a hospital you will have a Hospitalist coordinating all of your care.  This physician that you have never met will be requesting consults by additional physicians you do not know.  The only information the Hospitalist has about you is what was provided when you were admitted.

Your advocate will monitor your care and work with staff to keep you and your family updated with the most up to date information.


Often when a Senior has a hospital stay, they are discharged to a rehab facility (nursing home) for additional treatment before they return home.

If you have been discharged from the Hospital to a “non-acute” level of care in a “Rehab Facility” (Nursing Home). The second layer of disconnect occurs here.

You now have yet another new doctor, the Facility Physician, overseeing your care.  This is the second Physician overseeing your care that you have never met.  This doctor only had the information forwarded from the hospital stay and whatever medical history information was in your admitting records.  He most likely is focused only on the highlights of your current diagnosis.

Your Advocate will build a relationship with the doctor and staff to make certain each of your issues or concerns are addressed in a timely manner.


Since there are no mandated staff to patient ratios in a rehab facility, Healthcare for profit has many Rehab Facilities using less staff to care for more patients in the name of efficiency and productivity.  There is a growing recognition of lower levels of patient care due to workload demands on staff.  When you have a staff to patient ratio of 1:25, what do you think the response time will be to your call button?  What happens if you need to get to the bathroom and no one is available to help you?

This should never happen.  Your dignity should not be at risk because of a shortage of facility staff.

Your advocate will meet with the staff to address any and all care related issues on your behalf.


What was “your normal” for you prior this recent medical crisis?  Has your family noticed when they call to speak to you you don’t seem to be yourself?

Unfortunately, medication management related issues are common in the rehab setting.  Patients can be overmedicated and there are many instances when patients do not receive their routine medications during their rehab stay.

Your advocate will work with you and the staff to ensure  medication related issues are resolved immediately if there are any discrepancies.


When your health has been compromised will you be able to manage your care by yourself?

With antibiotic resistant bacteria spreading through our healthcare system and now in our everyday lives, adherence to facility protocol by staff and visitors must be a high priority during your stay.

Your advocate will make certain that protocol is a priority for you and those around you.


PSA will make sure your needs and concerns are addressed in a timely manner.  We will work with the entire treating staff to ensure your time in rehab is effective and that you meet the safety criteria to go home as soon as possible.

Let PSA ensure you are admitted to a safe rehab facility, you you receive quality rehab services and you complete your rehab in a timely manner.  After all, the best place to recover is at home.

CALL TODAY: 714-845-3442

Did you know

A new patient has their belongings logged by the staff. The same staff reconciles the list. See The Potential Problem?

Premature discharges lead to 40% of post-op complications occurring at home.

Drug resistant infections acquired during a hospital stay have increased 230% since 2001.

When an elderly person has urinary tract infection, it is common for them to have “dementia like” symptoms.

The ratio of patient to staff in a medical facility is not regulated.

Privately paid caregivers that provide care in your home are not legally allowed to assist you with your medications.

Why do they take photos of your body when you’re admitted to a nursing home/rehab facility?

When you are in the hospital, you may request that routine lab work be done during your waking hours, not the middle of the night.

When Seniors are discharged from a hospital, they are told they are going to “Rehab”. No one tells them that this really means they are going to a Nursing Home.

28% of hospitalizations of Seniors are caused by medication errors.

Unscrupulous medical billing practices will often reflect a “balance due” on a bill when the insurance company has already been billed.

Bet you didn’t know that having great insurance can actually be dangerous.

Why would anyone need to leave a nursing home to go to a doctor’s appointment?

Seniors can be stuck with large medical bills when the hospital doesn’t Admit them. Admission vs. Observation?

You have guaranteed rights as a patient? Do you know what they are?

Legally a facility doctor in a Nursing Home only has to see a patient once every 30 days unless the nurse notes in your chart that an issue requires the doctor’s attention.

Discharge planning begins when you arrive at the hospital, and you should be included in the planning process.

Without an Health Care Directive, if you are unable to speak for yourself, the medical facility will make ALL treatment decisions for you.

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